
Sunshine Blogger Award

Time to get to know me again! Neha over at Biblionyan (this is her blog) nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award. I loved getting to know her better. Check out her post here. Neha is one of my most awesome blogging friends and she has such a cool YouTube channel. I’m not on BookTube that much but I do enjoy her videos a lot.

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To accept this award, I must:
  • Thank the person(s) who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo on your post and/or on your blog.

Neha’s questions

1. What bookish universe terrifies you the most, but you’d still love to visit?

Parole, the setting of Chameleon Moon is so scary (talk about the fire and heat!) but the characters are some of the best I’ve ever come across in a book. They support each other and help each other where they can. I would love to be able to meet Rose, who can grow thorns out of her skin. She is an awesome connection to plants and I think it’s so beautiful. Check out my review here.

2. Describe your dream reading location/setting?

My dream reading setting would be a lovely floral-patterned sofa chair. I actually used to have this when I was living at home, and it is so comfy and relaxing. I’d love to have something similar as soon as I settle down.

3. Do you like comic books? If yes, then what is your favourite all-time comic book/series?

I do love comic books but I don’t read them that often at the moment. A Kindle doesn’t convey the same feeling that reading in colour does, so I’m waiting to dive into them when I have a PC again in September. I really love X-Men but I haven’t read all of the comics (WAY TOO MANY!).

4. If you could have any pet that’s from a book/book series, which pet would it be?

I don’t want to have pets, but if I could have a partner-in-crime, I’d have a talking otter! How cool would that be?! We could travel by water and on land. I’ll most probably not swim though, because I’m not a fan of swimming, but I can be on a boat.

5. What are 2 bookish pet peeves that you have?

1. Covers that have inaccurate representations of the characters!

Why is a person light-skinned on the cover even though they’re described as dark-skinned? Why are they thin on the cover, when they’re actually fat? and so on…

2. Toxic relationships that are romanticised in the story.

I just absolutely hate this because it’s not a healthy relationship to have or aspire to have – so why does is it written like this is the best relationship ever?

6. What is the very first book that you ever felt you could relate to on a personal level?

I don’t know if it’s the first book but it’s the first that I can remember. I could relate to some of the experiences of going to school in a new country with a different language in Girl in Translation.

7. What is a genre that you will never pick up?

I don’t like horror. Not to say that I’m never going to read a horror book but the chances are very very very low.

8. If you could have a video game created off of a book world, which book world would it be? (For example, I would LOVE to play an open-world RPG game based off the Stargate novels.) If you’re not a gamer, then which book would you LOVE to see being made into a film (that doesn’t already have one)?

I can’t choose between a film for Sunbolt or City of Strife (review here). I think both of them have amazing fantasy elements that can translate well onto the big screen, as well as really cool characters.

9. What are 3 books you want to conquer before you die?

I really want to read The Rice Mother, Bone China and The Bone Witch. All of them have been on my TBR for quite some time now.

10. What is your favourite bookish friendship?

The friendship between Fang, Rehua and Shockwave in No More Heroes (review here) is full of banter and fun. They are also able to rely on each other during difficult times.

11. What is your favourite beverage to drink while reading?

Herbal tea (e.g. pansy tea or thyme tea). However, I usually forget about the tea when I’m reading a good book.

My questions

1. Which character do you wish you were friends with in real life?

2. If you could be the main character in a book, what kind of genre would you like the book to be?

3. Which character’s wardrobe would you like to have?

4. What medium do you prefer for your reading? Paperbacks, e-book readers, PC, hardcovers, etc?

5. What is one of your bookish-related goals that you would like to accomplish in the next 7 years?

6. What hobbies, other than reading, do you have? I am assuming that one of your hobbies is reading, since I’ve nominated book bloggers.

7. What superpower(s) would you like to have?

8. What’s behind the name of your blog?

9. In which bookish universe would you like to live?

10. Have you ever thought about writing a book?

11. What is your favourite book?

Blogs I nominate (accidentally 12, not 11)

Kevin @ sumptuousbooks

Zainab @ Cinderzena’s Book Blog

Ceillie @ Candid Ceillie

Wendy @ What the log had to say

Vijayalakshmi @ The Reading Desk

Mariam @ Mariam’s Yummy Books

Nadia @ words beneath the wings

Laura @ Green Tea & Paperbacks

Anonymous @ Colorful Book Reviews

Saskia @ Muh, das Telefonbuch

Fadwa @ Word Wonders

CeeArr @ Diary of a Reading Addict

34 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award

  1. Lovely getting to know more about you! But is it me you want to nominate or Mariam. Or both? 🤔😊


  2. Thank you for nominating me but that last question is kind of cruel haha I don’t think I can choose.
    I love your answers to Neha’s questions, especially the otter one.
    I really need/want to read Chameleon Moon, I hope I can get it soon because it sounds amazing.


  3. Thanks for the tag! (Plus, you’ve started the Stranglers’ song off in my head again. Well done. Lol.)


  4. Thanks for nominating me! I did this tag a couple of months ago but I like that there’s different questions every time 😄


  5. Thank you so much for your kind words!! ♥♥ I just bought Chameleon Moon a day or two ago! I’m hoping to dive into it this month after I finished about half my current reading stack (I’ve got like 6, haha). That floral chair sounds absolutely delightful! There used to be this really comfortable leather chair in my brother’s library/study where I would read and nap when I was a teenager. It didn’t look comfortable at all, but it was always so inviting. It was my secret reading place, haha. Thanks for doing the tag. I loved reading your answers. =D


  6. Congratulations on the award! An otter would be a great partner-in-crime 😀 . I’ve started reading City of Strife (mostly because of your review) and it’s good so far so I have high hopes.


    1. Otter are amazing. I used to work in otter research before and they are such beautiful animals.

      I’m so nervous that you’re reading City of Strife. I hope you’ll love it just as much as me. I received an ARC for the second book and it’s just as amazing!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I really liked this post! I greatly enjoy getting to learn more about the bloggers in this wonderful book blogger community.

    I’m new to blogging and book reviewing, and I was wondering if you had any tips for newbie bloggers and book reviewers.

    If you have the time, please check out my blog @breenysbooks. I’d love any feedback. Have a wonderful day.


  8. A belated congratulations and thank you for the nomination! 😀
    Also all the yes to those bookish pet peeves! I think there recently was a new German publication that is set in Japan/takes place in a Japan-inspired setting and the girl on the cover … is white. Now, I don’t know whether the protagonist is white or not (though if she is, it’s still effed up, just in a different way), but … seriously? Do people just not listen?
    That chair sure sounds comfy … sharing that goal, btw. It doesn’t need to be floral for me, but having a comfy sofa to read on would be amazing!


  9. Congrats on the nomination! The comfy chair idea sounds lovely. Likewise, I always prefer reading at home when I’m comfy and relaxing with my kitty. My dream reading spot is a window seat with lots of pillows and a nook to place books on. I’m still working on that so until then, I’ll have to make due with my bed lol.
    Same here, if the book is amazing, whatever I’m drinking and sometimes even the environment around me ceases to be of any importance.
    Great post btw, I look forward to reading more from you in the future… Happy Reading 😀


    1. Thank you!

      Oh my god, your dream reading area sounds amazing! Have you ever been to book cafes? They might have something like that. I saw one cafe (not sure if book cafe) once, I’m not sure where… and they had a window seat covered with pillows where you could read. Sounds like that would suit you!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Congratulations! It’s nice to get to know you a little better through your answers to these questions. I love otters. They are such playful creatures.


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