Wrap Ups

November Wrap Up

Sorry for this late November Wrap Up! I had loads of assessments due at university the last week!

What I did in November

I was studying a lot for my assessments in November, and learning quite a lot about InDesign and Photoshop. I’m really enjoying InDesign at the moment – it’s wonderful to create a book page out of nothing!

I hosted a Twitter chat about Rebel Seoul for the Lit CelebrAsian book club. Our next book is going to be Timekeeper. It’s a steampunk fantasy and I’m pretty sure that I’ve never read anything from that genre before, so I’m super excited. Will any of you be joining us?

During November I didn’t manage to read that much but I did read a few backlist titles. Sometimes, I forget about all the backlist books because of the hype for the new books! I’m glad that I did focus more on backlist titles, because I found some great books!

I made the decision to stop doing the German Diverse Books project for a while. There are just so few German diverse books, and none of them were in genres that I usually read and the blurbs didn’t intrigue me. You can read more about my decision in this post: German Diverse Books Project Hiatus

I decided to stop NaNoWriMo for two reasons. Firstly, I hurt my finger and couldn’t type well, and secondly, I just felt like my prose wasn’t working. I’ve decided to focus on poetry for the next few weeks.

What I’ll be doing in December

I actually just finished my assessments for university last week! Yay!

I will be practising InDesign and reading some of my ARCs before the new year starts. I’m also going to be working at the indie bookshop I mentioned in my last wrap-up, and I hope to get some more hours at my other part-time job as well.

Posts that I enjoyed this month

Mental Health Book Bingo Announcement + TBR

#DiverseBookbloggersDiscuss: How ADHD affects my reading

#mentalhealthmonday – men’s mental health

Posts that I published in November
Non-review posts

October Wrap Up

Character interview: Kayvun and Adan from Daybreak Rising by Kiran Oliver (no spoilers)

German Diverse Books Project Hiatus


Beyond Trans: Does Gender Matter? – Heath Fogg Davis

From Under The Mountain – C. M. Spivey

Girl in Translation – Jean Kwok

Sofia Khan Duology – Ayisha Malik

Solar Storms – Linda Hogan

Stake Sauce – RoAnna Sylver

The Vishankanya’s Choice – Roshani Chokshi

Death and Night – Roshani Chokshi

How was November for you? What did you do?


5 thoughts on “November Wrap Up

  1. I really like how you mentioned blogposts you liked in your Wrap up.

    It gives the readers a bigger glimpse of who you are and what you like. It is also a create tactic of supporting other creators and giving them a new audience.

    I rarely ever do a wrap ups, but when I do them, I will absolutely do what you did here!


    1. Thank you very much! There are so many good blog posts/bloggers that go unnoticed because there aren’t enough readers sharing them or talking about them.

      I sadly didn’t do much blog-hopping in November. I was so tired. But it feels good to do it again.

      I got the idea from Ceillie over at Candid Ceillie.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It is a brilliant concept! I am definitely doing one for December! I liked @Ceillie’s blog, and l’m definitely going to follow her.


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